Tesis doctoral de Federico Nova
There are four parts in the thesis. The first part sets the general context of the theory of dirac and majorana neutrinos and introduces the experimental aspects of neutrinoless double beta decay. The second part gives a detailed description of the experiments nemo 3 and supernemo, in which i participate. The third and fourth parts describe my two personal contributions to the experiments: the first one is the development of a tracking, reconstruction and analysis software for the supernemo experiment, based on a local tracking technique and cellular automaton. The second contribution is an application of this softwares to analyze the real data collected by nemo 3, measuring the mo-100 half-life for ordinary double beta decay and setting a limit on neutrinoless double beta decay.
Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Development of a tracking software for the supernemo experiment and measurement of mo-100 half-life with the nemo 3 experiment«
- Título de la tesis: Development of a tracking software for the supernemo experiment and measurement of mo-100 half-life with the nemo 3 experiment
- Autor: Federico Nova
- Universidad: Autónoma de barcelona
- Fecha de lectura de la tesis: 20/01/2011
Dirección y tribunal
- Director de la tesis
- Federico Sánchez Nieto
- Tribunal
- Presidente del tribunal: karol Lang
- igor García irastorza (vocal)
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