Zebrafish lateral line system: the roles of eya1 in migrating primordium and notch signaling in hair cell development and regeneration

Tesis doctoral de Indra Wibowo

Thesis title: zebrafish lateral line system: the roles of eya1 in migrating primordium and notch signaling in hair cell development and regeneration indra wibowo tesi doctoral upf / 2011 thesis supervisor: dr. Hernán lópez-schier the purpose of this thesis is to introduce and demonstrate several biological processes or phenomena using posterior lateral line system of zebrafish as a model. The first part of this work focuses on the highly dynamic tissue remodeling under the control of morphogenetic territories. In particular, eya1 gene is studied to add a susbtantial mechanism during migration of lateral line primordium. I propose that combinatorial wnt/íY-catenin and fgf signaling control the spatialtemporal profile of dkk expression to dynamically confine wnt/íY-catenin to the mesenchyme. The second part of this thesis mainly discusses about the existence of tissue compartment whereby notch signaling involves in governing the regeneration anisotropy. I also discuss the importance of centrifugal movement of hair cell progenitors to propagate and maintain bilateral symmetry in the neuromasts. The last part of this thesis emphasizes on the epigenetic study in order to validate the involvement of macroh2a during development of zebrafish embryos.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Zebrafish lateral line system: the roles of eya1 in migrating primordium and notch signaling in hair cell development and regeneration«

  • Título de la tesis:  Zebrafish lateral line system: the roles of eya1 in migrating primordium and notch signaling in hair cell development and regeneration
  • Autor:  Indra Wibowo
  • Universidad:  Pompeu fabra
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  04/07/2011


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • schier López
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: fernando Giráldez orgaz
    • Miguel Allende (vocal)
    • (vocal)
    • (vocal)


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