Some observational and theoretical aspects of cosmic-ray diffusion

Tesis doctoral de Elsa De Cea Del Pozo

Esta tesis contiene estudios sobre ciertos aspectos de la difusión de rayos cósmicos. Está dividida en dos partes: en una se describen modelos sobre la fenomenología de la difusión de rayos cósmicos, y en la otra se muestras observaciones realizadas con el experimento magic y simulaciones de la respuesta del futuro array de telescopios cherenkov (cta, por sus siglas en inglés). this thesis contains some studies on aspects related to cosmic-ray diffusion. It is presented in two parts, one describing models on the phenomenology of cosmic-ray (cr) diffusion, and another that shows observations using the magic experiment and simulations of the response of the future cherenkov telescope array, cta. in the first part, the general accepted theory on cr diffusion is introduced. From this starting point, a model is presented for the environment of the snr ic 443 in order to explain the high-energy phenomenology, and it is contrasted with current observations of the source. Continuing with diffusion of crs theory, a multi-messenger model for the diffuse emission of the starburst galaxy m82 is shown. The gamma-ray predictions are compared with the recent detections in the gev and tev energy range. in the second part, the cherenkov technique and the magic experiments are described. The upper limits obtained with the magic-i telescope from two milagro-detected brigth fermi sources in the region of the snr g65.1+0.6 are displayed. Moreover, simulations of cta and initial spectral studies on particular science cases are presented. Observations with magic stereo on ic~443, together with preliminar studies performed with cta can be found, too. finally, there are some conclusions and an advance for future work.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Some observational and theoretical aspects of cosmic-ray diffusion«

  • Título de la tesis:  Some observational and theoretical aspects of cosmic-ray diffusion
  • Autor:  Elsa De Cea Del Pozo
  • Universidad:  Autónoma de barcelona
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  22/07/2011


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Diego F. Torres
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: lLuis Font guiteras
    • massimo Persic (vocal)
    • (vocal)
    • (vocal)


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