Quantum accuracy limits and benchmarks in continuous variable systems

Tesis doctoral de Mariona Bracons Aspachs

In this thesis i study optimal strategies to estimate or characterize quantum states and processes (quantum channels). i consider the problem of estimating a phase encoded on a gaussian state. Phase estimation is at the heart of many quantum metrology applications, such as gravitational wave detectors or clock synchronization. I address the problem to the phase estimation fidelity for pure and mixed gaussian states and study how temperature affects the precision of estimation. Although the case of pure states has been studied before, very little is known about estimation in mixed states. The interest in mixed gaussian states relies on the fact that these are the states one has in real experiments with light due to the unavoidable presence of noise. Displaced and squeezed thermal states are studied. For the case of displaced states, i find that fidelity estimation gets worse when the temperature increases. On the contrary, for squeezed thermal states i find the surprising result that a larger temperature yields better estimation. This apparently paradoxical feature, also appears when i derive the estimation accuracy that can be obtained when an asymptotically large number of copies of the state is available. i also study quantum benchmarks that can be applied to a wide variety of protocols, such us quantum storage or quantum teleportation. A very important question in qit is to know whether a particular quantum protocol can be realized by classical means with the same efficiency. After all, qit lives from the promise of this quantum advantage. This question becomes specially relevant in experimental (real) implementations of quantum schemes. In real experiments there are always losses and the ideal quantum protocols become imperfect. It is then necessary to assess whether the same experimental result could be obtained by classical (less costly) means. So, for example, in a particular teleportation experiment -which involves generation of entanglement, complicated bell measurements, fighting decoherence, etc.- One might ask whether one could achieve the same (i.E. Mapping the state of a system to a second system located in a different place or time) by measuring the system, transmitting the collected information to the other location, and finally preparing the system accordingly. It is hence of paramount importance to give bounds on the efficiency of these measure and prepare (or entanglement breaking) channels. For this purpose we propose a threshold based on a phase-covariant family of states. Besides of being a family with a straightforward group-theoretical structure, which gives obvious computational advantages, this family is interesting because it can be tested experimentally also in a straightforward way. A crucial feature for the practical use of our benchmark is that it does not require pure (ideal) input states. i finally consider the problem of estimating the parameter of the amplification channel. The amplification channel is interesting by itself but also by the fact that the hawking-unruh effect can be formally modeled by it. The unruh-hawking effect is a relativistic effect and as such it is hard to measure and detect in current experiments. I investigate whether quantum strategies can provide an improvement over classical protocols in the estimation of the amplification parameter. If the field is inertially prepared in the vacuum one could measure its temperature as detected by a noninertial observer and extract information about the parameter. But i would like to know if the vacuum state is the optimal probe state in an inertial frame for such a task or a better sensitivity could be achieved if the field were in a state of nonzero energy (mean photon number) from an inertial perspective. The aim is to determine the optimal input states, so that, by optimally measuring the output, one can construct an estimator for amplification channel parameter which is unbiased and has the minimum possible variance.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Quantum accuracy limits and benchmarks in continuous variable systems«

  • Título de la tesis:  Quantum accuracy limits and benchmarks in continuous variable systems
  • Autor:  Mariona Bracons Aspachs
  • Universidad:  Autónoma de barcelona
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  28/10/2011


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • John Calsamiglia Costa
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: anna Sanpera trigueros
    • anna erika elisabeth Andersson (vocal)
    • (vocal)
    • (vocal)


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