Symmetry and holonomy in m theory

Tesis doctoral de Oscar Varela Rizo

Eleven-dimensional m theory is conjectured to contain and unify quantum gravity and the rest of fundamental interactions. Despite its current lack of a precise formulation, hints and information about m theory can be retrieved from its low energy limit, eleven-dimensional supergravity. This thesis aims to make progress towards the understanding of the symmetries and structure of m theory from the study of eleven dimensional supergravity. Two important questions in m theory, yet to be solved, are 1) how many supersymmetries can an m theory background preserve and 2) what is the symmetry of m theory. Both questions can be addressed at the d=11 supergravity level. the former question can be addressed for purely bosonic solutions by means of generalized holonomy, namely, the holonomy of the supersymmetric connection defining the supersymmetry variation of the gravitino. We shall discuss the role of generalized holonomy with this regard and show how successive covariant derivatives are necessary to properly define the generalized holonomy algebra. with regard to the later, the underlying gauge group structure of d=11 supergravity becomes manifest when its three-form field a_3 is expressed through a set of one-form gauge fields, associated with the generators of a family of enlarged supersymmetry algebras (which are fermionic extensions of the m theory superalgebra). As it will be shown, the problem can be tackled by trivializing a standard supersymmetry algebra chevalley-eilenberg four-cocycle (associated to da_3) on the enlarged superalgebras. The family of trivializing superalgebras are related to osp(1|32) through «expansion», a method to obtain new lie (super)algebras of increasing dimensions from given ones. the analysis of the underlying gauge symmetry of eleven-dimensional supergravity leads naturally to enlarged supersymmetry algebras and superspaces. It is, thus, natural, t


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Symmetry and holonomy in m theory«

  • Título de la tesis:  Symmetry and holonomy in m theory
  • Autor:  Oscar Varela Rizo
  • Universidad:  Universitat de valéncia (estudi general)
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  07/07/2006


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Azcárraga Feliu José A.
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: igor Bandos
    • eric Bergshoeff (vocal)
    • dmitri Sorokin (vocal)
    • (vocal)


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