Los otros paisajes; lecturas de la imagen variable

Tesis doctoral de María Goula

This thesis examines the image and its implication in the interpretation of the landscape. Conscious of its variable qualities, this subject has merged from the necessity of integrating the visual aspect in the interpretation processes in a systematical manner and of investigating its interpretive and operative potential. The variable image is proposed as an interpretive instrument for the visual analysis, and in the same time, as a critical revision of certain registries of the visual in landscape and urbanism theory. of interest here are the distinct qualities of the image and its relation with the landscape, at the present time, through its evolution from a static image-picture to its extension through the introduction of the ¿view¿ in the landscape imaginary, towards an explicit demand for a new ¿ecology¿ of the image in the contemporary landscape project. It is proposed the introduction of the ¿variable¿, like a fundamental parameter in the construction of the image and like a contrast to the idea of the permanency that has been implicated in the definition of the concept of value and identity. The variable is understood here like a differential fact, like an expression of the materiality and the temporality of landscape, and possibly like what recovers a demand for a new sensibility. investigate the tradition of the «visual» means investigate the construction of the «value», focusing in some of its procedures. In such a manner, aside from the conviction that it might be necessary to reframe what it is or what it should be, nowadays, the concept of ¿value¿ from a projective perspective, this thesis proposes something concrete: investigate the idea of the «other», like a vehicle for reframing some of the aspects on this theme. The ¿other¿ is used like a prism trying to illuminate the different foldings in the process of the construction of the ¿value¿. Here, it is understood from a reciprocal duality: the no-recognizable or emergent values and


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Los otros paisajes; lecturas de la imagen variable«

  • Título de la tesis:  Los otros paisajes; lecturas de la imagen variable
  • Autor:  María Goula
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  26/04/2007


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Manuel De Sola Morales Rubio
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: Juan Busquets grau
    • marti Boada junca (vocal)
    • carmen Bonell costa (vocal)
    • daniela Calafranceschi (vocal)


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