Tesis doctoral de Rahmi Ilkilic
The world is not diminishing in size, but the growing number of connections between economic units and the ease of communication makes it look smaller. It is no surprise that most of the current challenges face involve networks. Most environmental resources (i.E. Fresh water, clean air, fisheries) are interconnected, independent of the country borders. Oil and natural gas pipelines are playing an ever increasing economic and political role. Two of the most interesting questions are how the economic agents decide to link with others and how they behave on a given network. A correct analysis of strategic network formation and behavior on networks should be based on the well established theory of non-cooperative games. But the combinatorial structure of networks introduces new technical and computational challenges. This made the research on networks rely on make shift or ad hoc tools, which mostly required some form of tacit communication between agents. This study makes a standard non-cooperative analysis of network formation and behavior on networks, without referring to any implicit or explicit cooperation between agents. The results presented uncover stability and efficiency considerations which escaped the attention of earlier researchers.
Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Strategic network formation and behavior on networks«
- Título de la tesis: Strategic network formation and behavior on networks
- Autor: Rahmi Ilkilic
- Universidad: Autónoma de barcelona
- Fecha de lectura de la tesis: 04/12/2007
Dirección y tribunal
- Director de la tesis
- Antoni Calvó Armengol
- Tribunal
- Presidente del tribunal: Jordi Massó Carreras
- Ebru Giritligil Ayca (vocal)
- Guillaume Haeringer (vocal)
- Olivier Bochet (vocal)