Instrumentos y metodología de planes de movilidad y transporte en las ciudades medias colombianas.

Tesis doctoral de Diego Alexander Escobar Garcia

Given the current operation in the public transport system of the latin american urban communities, serious malfunctions are appearing in the urban and merchandise mobility. With serious consequences in terms of congestion, contamination, noise, social insecurity, high operational prices, etc. This is reducing the life quality and increasing the environment deterioration nevertheless, it is possible to find coherent alternatives serving the right of mobility for the people and appeasing the urban traffic. in many of the latin american cities, as a result of the demographic problems(excessive densification, high growth rate, etc.) They are having serious problems referred to the delay and disorganization of public transport services becoming not interesting and, only used by the population that really needs it, leaving aside its main objective provide an efficient mobility for all the population and not just to a part of it one of the current and main concerns of the urban planning is to cover the population mobility needs. The urban environments every day present greater malfunctions (high indices of car ownership, congestion, etc.). It was favoured to take new guidelines for seeking an adequate offering of public transportation, doing it more attractive and useful for the community. this research proves if the methodologies for planning mobility and public transport used by different studies in several colombian cities are adequate according to different characteristics like the shape of the city public transportation system, supply and demand(mobility), sociodemographic situation, etc…Carrying out parallelisms among the different models applied and studying their results. the research discusses alternative methods for planning mobility that have been implemented up to now in different european cities. It is looking to test the effectiveness of applying these methodologies to the city of manizales.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Instrumentos y metodología de planes de movilidad y transporte en las ciudades medias colombianas.«

  • Título de la tesis:  Instrumentos y metodología de planes de movilidad y transporte en las ciudades medias colombianas.
  • Autor:  Diego Alexander Escobar Garcia
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  05/05/2008


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Manuel Hercé Vallejo
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: andrés López pita
    • María del carmen Miralles guasch (vocal)
    • julio Pozueta echavarri (vocal)
    • José Ramon navarro (vocal)


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