Effect of visible and near-infrared light on adenosine triphosphate (atp)

Tesis doctoral de Alberto Amat Genís

Atp is a key molecule in cellular metabolism. In this thesis, it was examined the effects of visible (635 and 655 nm) and near-infrared (810 and 830 nm) light on atp in solution. It was also examined the biochemical behavior of light-exposed atp in the luciferine-luciferase and in the hexokinase reactions. In both cases, when irradiated atp was added the reactions occurred faster and the kinetic parameters were altered. Changes in both reactions were wavelength and dose dependant. when atp was excited with uv photons, it fluoresced. This fluorescence decreased when mg2+ was added, probably because the ion binds the phosphates, which are the part of the molecule responsible for light emission. Irradiating the atp-mg2+ solution with 655 nm and 830 nm light increased the fluorescence resulting from a displacement of charges in the phosphor-oxygen bond that repels mg2+. the refraction of light in an atp solution was observed by the michelson interferometer and by directly measuring the refractive index. The refractive index changed after red and near-infrared light interaction due to a change in the electrical permittivity of the medium. The same effect was obtained when the solution was exposed to an electrical field, so both light and electrical interaction may share the same mechanism. since atp in water is transparent to visible and near-infrared light, and is therefore not a chromophore for those wavelengths, the conclusion is that the observed light interaction with atp is due to the electromagnetic disturbance produced by the light, which leads to a polarization of the dielectric molecule that is atp. this interaction of visible and near-infrared electromagnetic energy with atp offers new perspectives for explaining light interaction at subcellular level.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Effect of visible and near-infrared light on adenosine triphosphate (atp)«

  • Título de la tesis:  Effect of visible and near-infrared light on adenosine triphosphate (atp)
  • Autor:  Alberto Amat Genís
  • Universidad:  Rovira i virgili
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  18/04/2005


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Rigau I Mas Josepa
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: Van gemert martin j.
    • Luis Francisco Marsal garví (vocal)
    • Rodríguez gil joan enric (vocal)
    • tomas Fernández jaén (vocal)


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