Design and analysis of medium access control protocols for ad hoc and cooperative wireless networks

Tesis doctoral de Jesús Alonso Zárate

This thesis aims at contributing to the incessant evolution of wireless communications. The focus is on the design of medium access control (mac) protocols for ad hoc and cooperative wireless networks. a comprehensive state of the art and a background on the topic is provided in a first preliminary part of this dissertation. The motivations and key objectives of the thesis are also presented in this part. Then, the contributions of the thesis are divided into two fundamental parts. the first part of the thesis is devoted to the design, analysis, and performance evaluation of a new high-performance mac protocol. It is the distributed queueing mac protocol for ad hoc networks (dqman) and constitutes an extension and adaptation of the near-optimum distributed queueing with collision avoidance (dqca) protocol, designed for infrastructure-based networks, to operate over networks without infrastructure. dqman introduces a new access paradigm in the context of distributed networks: the integration of a spontaneous, dynamic, and soft-binding master-slave clustering mechanism together with a high-performance infrastructure-based mac protocol. Theoretical analysis and computer-based simulation show that dqman outperforms ieee 802.11 standard. The main characteristic of the protocol is that it behaves as a random access control protocol when the traffic load is low and it switches smoothly and automatically to a reservation protocol as the traffic load grows. In addition, its performance is almost independent of the number of users of a network. the random-access based clustering algorithm allows for the coexistence and intercommunication of stations using dqman with the ones just based on the legacy ieee 802.11 standard. This assessment is also presented in this first part of the dissertation and constitutes a key contribution in the light of the commercial application of dqman. indeed, the rationale presented in this first part of the thesis to extend dqca and become dqman to operate over distributed networks can be used to extend the operation of any other infrastructure-based mac protocol to ad hoc networks. In order to exemplify this, a case study is presented to conclude the first part of the thesis. The distributed point coordination function (dpcf) mac protocol is presented as the extension of the pcf of the ieee 802.11 standard to be used in ad hoc networks. the second part of the thesis turns the focus to a specific kind of cooperative communications: cooperative automatic retransmission request (c-arq) schemes. The main idea behind c-arq is that when a packet is received with errors at a receiver, a retransmission can be requested not only from the source but also to any of the users which overheard the original transmission. These users can become spontaneous helpers to assist in the failed transmission by forming a temporary ad hoc network. Although such a scheme may provide cooperative diversity gain, involving a number of users in the communication between two users entails a complicated coordination task that has a certain cost. This cost has been typically neglected in the literature, assuming that the relays can attain a perfect scheduling and transmit one after another. In this second part of the thesis, the cost of the mac layer in c-arq schemes is analyzed and two novel mac protocols for c-arq are designed, analyzed, and comprehensively evaluated. They are the dqcoop and the persistent relay carrier sensing multiple access (prcsma) protocols. The former is based on dqman and the latter is based on the ieee 802.11 standard. A comparison with non-cooperative arq schemes (retransmissions performed only from the source) and with ideal c-arq (with perfect scheduling among the relays) is included to have actual reference benchmarks of the novel proposals. The main results show that an efficient design of the mac protocol is crucial in order to actually obtain the benefits associated to the c-arq schemes.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Design and analysis of medium access control protocols for ad hoc and cooperative wireless networks«

  • Título de la tesis:  Design and analysis of medium access control protocols for ad hoc and cooperative wireless networks
  • Autor:  Jesús Alonso Zárate
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  25/02/2009


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Luis Gonzaga Alonso Zarate
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: Jorge García vidal
    • (vocal)
    • (vocal)
    • (vocal)


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