Remote ion traps for quantum networking: two-photon interference and correlations

Tesis doctoral de Felix Rohde

Irhe field of quantum information processing (qip) has evolved rapidly in the last decade. Strings of single rapped ions have proven to be one of the most promising candidates for the implementation of quantum information processing tasks such as universal gate operations or eleportation. Besides the challenge of scaling up these quantum processors to a larger number of ions, another important problem is to interconnect different processors on a macroscopic scale and integrate them into a quantum network. irhis thesis describes the construction of a new experiment dedicated to the study of quantum communication and quantum networking with laser cooled single ions and first experiments carried out with it. Two linear paul traps for 4dca+ have been set up at a distance of one meter. Two-photon interference of the fluorescence light of two remotely trapped single ions could be observed with a contrast of 80%. This proves the suitability of the setup for the creation of remote entanglement, an important building block for quantum networking. irhe first part of the thesis describes the experimental setup that ~as constructed from scratch. It consists of a newly designed trap apparatus and the laser setup. The apparatus was designed to ulfill the requirement of interferometric stability, which is a pre requisite for one remote entanglement protocol. Another important feature are two high numerical aperture in-vacuum lenses hat optimize the collection efficiency of photons scattered by he ions. In order to frequency-stabilize the laser systems, a ransfer stabilization scheme referenced to a transition in atomic ~s has been developed. The stabilization chain comprises low-cost open transfer cavities and offers very good long term stability. irhe second part of the thesis presents the experimental results starting with the calibration of the two traps through excitation spectra. After that, the realization of two-photon interference rom single ions under continuous excitation is presented. The model analysis of the data usinq eiqht level bloch equations reveals the individual coherence properties of the interfering ~ingle photons. The coherence time of the fluorescence light does not exceed 20- ns, indicating that incoherent scattering is ~ominant. fa,n analysis of the efficiency of methods for remote entanglement relying on two-photon and single-photon interference, focussing on he role of the detection efficiency is discussed. It is revealed hat single-photon schemes are more efficient if the detection ~fficiency is low (like in present experiments). The created setup is suitable for the realization of both types of protocols, based pn single- and two-photon interference. jhe conditioned dynamics of photon emission of a single ion are studied using correlation functions. The engineering of second ~rder correlation functions used as a tool which relies on conditional dynamics, might have interesting applications in probabilistic quantum information processing. pingle-atom single-photon interfaces are an important application in quantum networks. As opposed to the emission of single photons by single atoms, the absorption of single photons by single atoms cannot be controlled in a similar way. With the future goal of realizing a heralded absorption of a single photon by a single atom, one of the ion traps was linked to a spontaneous parametric down conversion source. Quantum jump spectroscopy on a single ion using single photons from this source is shown. finally the reported two-photon interference could be extended also to pulsed excitation. This marks an important technological step towards remote entanglement.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Remote ion traps for quantum networking: two-photon interference and correlations«

  • Título de la tesis:  Remote ion traps for quantum networking: two-photon interference and correlations
  • Autor:  Felix Rohde
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  02/10/2009


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • JÁ¼rgen Eschner
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: ramon Vilaseca alavedra
    • tobias Shaetz (vocal)
    • giovanna Morigi (vocal)
    • michael rohr Drewsen (vocal)


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