Tesis doctoral de Miguel Angel Arias Ortega
In this work, environmental education proposals undertaken by ten civil society organizations in the mexican context have been analyzed and emphasized because of their actions on protection, prevention, and environmental improvement through education, training, information and environmental communication aimed at different groups of society: peasants, teachers, students and public servants, among others. the review of these proposals is made from a discourse analysis approach in education through categories of analysis defined from the critical hermeneutics in order to provide a theoretical and methodological approach of social interpretation regarding the work done in educational environment by these organizations -the subject matter of this research. in this paper, some of the contextual and conceptual issues that have characterized mexican historical events that led to the prompt actions of some civil society organizations concerned about the environment are discussed. Our main interest is to know who these organizations are, what actions have been taken, and what their names are. thus, the proposed analysis is focused on trying to figure out the ways these organizations conceive and interpret environmental education, interdiscipline, environmental problems, and sustainable development in their pedagogical approaches. This action offers a first reading on their educational work as well as their impact levels in the field of environmental education. Some points of analysis and critical reflection on the challenges and prospects this field of knowledge faces in addition to the role such organizations play within it are also addressed.
Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Educación ambiental y sociedad civil en méxico: análisis de sus propuestas pedagógicas.«
- Título de la tesis: Educación ambiental y sociedad civil en méxico: análisis de sus propuestas pedagógicas.
- Autor: Miguel Angel Arias Ortega
- Universidad: Autónoma de Madrid
- Fecha de lectura de la tesis: 25/01/2011
Dirección y tribunal
- Director de la tesis
- Javier Benayas Del álamo
- Tribunal
- Presidente del tribunal: José Antonio Caride gomez
- alicia frances de la concepcion Alba ceballos (vocal)
- José Gutiérrez pérez (vocal)
- Antonio Pou royo (vocal)