Colour and technology in historic decorated glazes and glasses.

Tesis doctoral de Glória Molina Giralt

The aim of the research is to correlate advances in scientific knowledge and technology with the historical events and aesthethic innovations through the study of the synthesis, methods of application. Stability and optical properties of decorations in glass and glazed ceramics. Advances in scientific knowledge or technological processes naturally result in the development of a new material which may initiate a new aesthethic paradigm wich is adopted and adapted by other cultures and regions. The materials studied comprise an extended chronology including new kingdom egyptian (approximately 1500 bc) and roman antimony yellow glass, various productions of luste decorated glazed abbasid (9th century ad) and syrian (12th to 14th centuries ad) ceramics and silver stain glass from gothic and early renaissance cathedrals (15th ventury ad) in spain. In each case different specific queries are adressed: 1) the relationship between new kingdom egyptian and roman antimony yellow glass; different methods of productio are determined and related to the distinct stability of the pigments particles. 2) the study of the relationship between syrian and the egyptian fatimid lustre production; technological links between both productions are found which together with the introduction of innovations in the materials and techniques are responsible for the specific properties os syrian lustre. 3) the method of production of polychrome red copper in combination wirh yellow-golden, white-silvery or black silver lustre decorations from iraq, 9th century. The materials and methods of productions are determined and related to the different colour combinations. 4) the production parameters and materials used to obtain yellow and red silver stains in 15th century stain glass and the reasons for the dichroic effect shown by the red silver stain are determined. the methodology proposed comprises the analysis of the materials complemented by replication of the materials based on written historical treaties and the data obtained from the analysis of the bulk colous glass and decorations. The analytical techniques used vary in each case depending on the characteristics of each material; thin nanometric layers, minor chemical elements, nano and micro-precipitates, presence of alterations due to either aging of wathering of the materials, size of the samples available, among many more. For this reason, chemical and microstructural analyses are performed using a selection of complementary microscopic and spectroscopy techniques that are the most adequate for each material. Basic analytical techniques include a combination of optical microscopy (om), scanning electron microscopy (sem) with elemental analysis (edx) and x-ray diffraction (xrd), but the study of luster decorations must use specific techniques, including rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (rbs) in the particle accelerator of «cmam» (Madrid), the micro-x-ray diffraction with synchrotron light in «esrf», a microscope focused ion beam (fib) and transmission electron microscopy (tem) in «crne». Physical optical properties (colour, reflectivity, transmittance, opacity) are also modelled and measured by means of uv-vis spectroscopy. A specific section is dedicated to stain glass and lustre ware decorations due to the technological complexiti and important changes in the materials and processes along the history.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Colour and technology in historic decorated glazes and glasses.«

  • Título de la tesis:  Colour and technology in historic decorated glazes and glasses.
  • Autor:  Glória Molina Giralt
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  09/05/2014


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Trinitat Pradell Cara
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: Francisco Capel del aguila
    • Miguel ángel García aranda (vocal)
    • (vocal)
    • (vocal)


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