Adaptive execution environments for application servers

Tesis doctoral de David Carrera Pérez

The growth experienced by the web and by the internet over the last years has fuelled web application servers to break into most of the existing distributed execution environments. Web application servers take distributed applications one step forward in their accessibility, easiness of development and standardization, by using the most extended communication protocols and by providing rich development frameworks. following the evolution of the application server execution environment, the factors that determine their performance have evolved too, with new ones that have come out with the raising complexity of the environment, while the already known ones that determined the performance in the early stages of the application server technology remain relevant in modern scenarios. In the old times, the performance of an application server was mainly determined by the behavior of its local execution stack, what usually resulted to be the source of most performance bottlenecks. Later, when the middleware became more efficient, more load could be put on each application server instance and thus the management of such a large number of concurrent client connections resulted to be a new hot spot in terms of performance. Finally, when the capacity of any single node was exceeded, the execution environments were massively clusterized to spread the load across a very large number of application server instances, what meant that each instance was allocated a certain amount of resources. The result of this process is that even in the most advanced service management architecture that can be currently found, 1) understanding the performance impact caused by the application server execution stack, 2) efficiently managing client connections, and 3) adequately allocating resources to each application server instance, are three incremental steps of crucial importance in order to optimize the performance of such a complex facility. And given the size and complexity of modern data centers, all of them should operate automatically without need of human interaction. following the three items described above, this thesis contributes to the performance management of a complex application server execution environment by 1) proposing an automatic monitoring framework that provides a performance insight in the context of a single machine; 2) proposing and evaluating a new architectural application server design that improves the adaptability to changing workload conditions; and 3) proposing and evaluating an automatic resource allocation technique for clustered and virtualized execution environments. The sum of the three techniques proposed in this thesis opens up a new range of options to improve the performance of the system both off-line (1) and on-line (2 and 3).


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Adaptive execution environments for application servers«

  • Título de la tesis:  Adaptive execution environments for application servers
  • Autor:  David Carrera Pérez
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  08/07/2008


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Jordi Torres Viñals
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: Francisco Tirado fernández
    • samuel Kounev (vocal)
    • vasanth Bala (vocal)
    • rosa María Badia sala (vocal)


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