La transformacion del proyecto arquitectonico durante el proceso constructivo. la opera de sydney y el centro pompidou de paris.

Tesis doctoral de Alberto Peñin Llobell

After the analysis of the construction of the project by the moderns and its relation with the architectural promise in some of the works built by its masters, the thesis makes a sistematic study of the constuction of the sydney opera house and the pompidou centre in paris. From this analysis, we emphasise a whole host of circumstances that give rise to the transformation of the architectural project during its building process. Nevertheless, the existence of points in common and the structural character of some of them allow us to suspect a situation in architecture3/4at least in the second half of the 20th century3/4in which we might question the project understood as a worthy and complete anticipation of its realisation. The project foregrounds the twin task of separating and grouping assignments and kinds of knowledge in the multiple agents who come together on the building site. Their effectiveness will reside in the extent to which it is known how to establish the right conditions for the convergence of all these specialists. The participation becomes indispensable of the figure of an engineer committed to the project and who is capable of incorporating in the latter the technical complexity of a form not only compatible with, but also active in, its definition. From the point of view of the architectural object, of the container, the project understood as a fixed technical document is no longer either complete or infallible. the project acquires another quality, which is that of shaping and formulating certain hypotheses on its use and its content.The project is not restricted to organising and assigning spaces to a programme but rather it also acts in itself on the organisation of the building. The difficulty that comes with the unilateral fixing on the part of the architect of the collective and social use of the building will have repercussions in its subsequent evolution. The content, then, slips away from the certainties of the project. as an economi


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «La transformacion del proyecto arquitectonico durante el proceso constructivo. la opera de sydney y el centro pompidou de paris.«

  • Título de la tesis:  La transformacion del proyecto arquitectonico durante el proceso constructivo. la opera de sydney y el centro pompidou de paris.
  • Autor:  Alberto Peñin Llobell
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  25/05/2007


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Moises Gallego Olmos
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: joan Margarit consarnau
    • adolfo Carabajal gustavo (vocal)
    • José María Montaner martorell (vocal)
    • ignacio Bosch reig (vocal)


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