Tesis doctoral de M. Del Pilar Alañon Ribas
Carbofuran and chlorpyrifos are two well-known pesticides widely investigated, and its effects on different organisms have been previously reported in separate studies. For this reason were considered to be good model subtances, relevant from the environmental perspective. On the other hand, we selected this kind of compounds because they are used in many tones annually in agriculture and horticulture and they are significant especially in greenhouse-based production of vegetables and fruits in southern europe, particularly spain. the general objective of this work was to compare the response of in vitro assays using cell lines with assays using fish in vivo in order to contribute to the development of alternative methods to the use of laboratory animals. Furthermore, we compared two types of cells, a fish cell line from an established culture and mammalian cells obtained from a primary cell culture, in order to see if there are similar responses based on common mechanisms of toxicity. A better knowledge of these mechanisms facilitates the interspecies extrapolation of the impact of environmental contaminants, which is one of the major challenges to ecotoxicologists. in order to have a general point of view of the toxicity of these pesticides, single and in mixture, acute toxicity was evaluated using a battery of ecotoxicological model systems and indicators representative of a wide range of organisms. The systems studied included: rtg-2 fish cell line, primary cell cultures from bovine granulosa cells, the marine bacteria (vibrio fischeri), three species of freshwater microalgae (chlorella vulgaris, scenedesmus subspicatus and selenastrum capricornutum) and the vertebrates zebra fish (danio rerio). Sublethal effects were also evaluated in both types of cells using several biomarkers such as assessment of the dna damage as genotoxic indicator, inhibition of production of progesterone as indicator of the aromatase activity and inhibiton of acetylcholinesterase acti
Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Comparative study of in vitro cell based assays versus in vivo toxicity tests to monitor environmental hazard of pesticides«
- Título de la tesis: Comparative study of in vitro cell based assays versus in vivo toxicity tests to monitor environmental hazard of pesticides
- Autor: M. Del Pilar Alañon Ribas
- Universidad: Politécnica de catalunya
- Fecha de lectura de la tesis: 27/10/2006
Dirección y tribunal
- Director de la tesis
- Riva Juan María Del Carmen
- Tribunal
- Presidente del tribunal: lázaro vicente Cremades oliver
- cinta Porte visa (vocal)
- simona Stacchezzini (vocal)
- montserrat Sole (vocal)