Desarrollo de nuevas estrategias terapéuticas contra el cáncer de pulmón en modelos preclínicos
Tesis doctoral de Leyre Larzábal Primo Development of new therapeutic strategies against lung cancer in preclinical models leyre larzábal primo […]
Accede a todas las tesis doctorales sobre Biología molecular mas relevantes.
Tesis doctoral de Leyre Larzábal Primo Development of new therapeutic strategies against lung cancer in preclinical models leyre larzábal primo […]
Tesis doctoral de Laura Montero Barreras The metabolic syndrome is a disease entity characterized by the joint presence of several
Tesis doctoral de Aura Daniela Urribarri Marín Role of cholangiocyte-extracellular matrix interaction in the cystogenesis of polycystic liver disease aura
Tesis doctoral de María Lorena Espinar Calvo El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio de diferentes comportamientos celulares dinámicos
Tesis doctoral de Iranzu Lamberto Pérez Characterization of the cell death process induced by bisacylimidoselenocarbamate derivatives bisacylimidoselenocarbamate derivatives (bsc) are
Tesis doctoral de Paúl Cordero Sánchez Tittle: transcriptomic modifications and epigenetic control induced by a hypercaloric diet and the supplementation
Tesis doctoral de Ildefonso Rodriguez Ramiro El estrés oxidativo y la inflamación son dos de las causas más frecuentes relacionadas
Tesis doctoral de Juliana De Souza RebouÁ§as Peanut allergy is responsible by the most severe allergic reactions by anaphylaxis induction.
Tesis doctoral de Oihane Diaz De Cerio Arruabarrena Azkeneko urteotan gene-adierazpena indarrez ari da erabiltzen ekotoxikología arloan, toxikoek eta kutsatzaileek
Tesis doctoral de Igor Setien Fernandez Ammonium nutrition can induce deleterious effects in plants. In this workthe metabolic mechanisms involved