Efecto de la aplicación de lodos higienizados sobre el rendimiento, calidad de fruto y severidad de la marchitez inducida por verticillium dahliae kleb. en pimiento del piquillo

Tesis doctoral de Iñaki Azcona Saldías

The increase in the production of sewage sludge has generated a significant pressure above the optimum management and reuse of this waste. The application to soil seems to be the best recycling option due to its nutritional value for plants, as well as other potential advantages such as soil plant pathogen control. in response to this problem, the main objectives of the thesis were: 1) to study the effect of two sanitized sludges (autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion, atad, and composted) on the growth and fruit quality of pepper (capsicum annuum l. Var. Piquillo) and 2) to assess the effects of sludge on verticillium-induced vascular wilt. as a result of the addition of sanitized sludge, an increase in vegetative biomass and fruit yield was noticed. The concentration of heavy metals in fruit remained below the limits set by the european union for fruits and vegetables. Fruits nutritional quality was not affected, as regards vitamin c and capsaicinoid content. The application of compost-extracted humates stimulated plant growth during the early stages of development and accelerated the phenological development, suggesting that the positive effects of composted sludges could be partially attributed to the humic substances contained within. the addition of atad sludge did not have any effect on verticillium-induced wilt. The highest dose of compost aggravated the symptoms, while the lowest dose attenuated them, increasing plant growth and fruit production. One of the main effects of verticillium on the physiology was a photosynthetic rate decrease coupled with a stomatal conductance reduction. To gain insight into the mechanisms by which verticillium affects photosynthetic activity, plants inoculated with the pathogen were compared with non-inoculated plants subjected to progressive soil water deficit. In general, the disease had a similar effect to soil drought on the main photosynthetic parameters. Nevertheless, inoculated plants showed higher levels of photo- and dark-respiration, as well as reduced thermal energy dissipation, mediated by the vaz cycle pigments and lutein, thus suggesting a differential effect of the fungus in relation with the drought.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Efecto de la aplicación de lodos higienizados sobre el rendimiento, calidad de fruto y severidad de la marchitez inducida por verticillium dahliae kleb. en pimiento del piquillo«

  • Título de la tesis:  Efecto de la aplicación de lodos higienizados sobre el rendimiento, calidad de fruto y severidad de la marchitez inducida por verticillium dahliae kleb. en pimiento del piquillo
  • Autor:  Iñaki Azcona Saldías
  • Universidad:  Navarra
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  17/01/2011


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Inmaculada Pascual Elizalde
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: manuel Sanchez diaz
    • Manuel Aviles guerrero (vocal)
    • Francisco Javier Corpas aguirre (vocal)
    • Rafael Manuel Jimenez diaz (vocal)


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