Towards data assimilation in the catalan continental shelf from data analysis to optimization methods.

Tesis doctoral de Gabriel Jorda Sanchez

The goal of this thesis is to implement a data assimilation scheme into a hydrodynamic model of the catalan continental shelf. This system would allow us to combine the information provided by measured data with the information coming from the numerical models in order to find the best approach, from a statistical point of view, of reality. to reach this objective it is needed, in a first moment, to have a good knowledge of the region and of the physical processes therein. The next step is to have a numerical model able to reproduce in a realistic way the dynamics of the area. Afterwards, the error sources of the system and the error dynamics should be characterized to, finally, implement a data assimilation system well suited for the problem. following this way we can take profit of the data available and the tools developed to deepen in the the knowledge of the dynamics in the catalan continental shelf from different approaches. -the analysis of the measures obtained in the frame of the research projects fans and yoyo have allowed us to characterize the region dynmics, to study the origin of the slope current variability in the high and low frequencies, to study the processes over the shelf and to see the water mass evolution. -the implementation of the hydrodynamical model symphonie has been done carefully applying a new initialization technique (the modal potential vorticity method) and has been validated agains real data to obtain a complet and realistic model. Once we had this part done, we have used it to study the evolution of a topographic rossby wave over the continental shelf, the wind effects over the 3d dynamics and the exchanges shelf-slope induced by the wind and the slope current. -the stochastic modelling has been used to describe the dynamics of the errors associated to the slope current characterization and the wind field. we have determined that the former are stationary but non linear while the last are non


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Towards data assimilation in the catalan continental shelf from data analysis to optimization methods.«

  • Título de la tesis:  Towards data assimilation in the catalan continental shelf from data analysis to optimization methods.
  • Autor:  Gabriel Jorda Sanchez
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  17/06/2005


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Manuel Espino Infantes
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: agustín Sánchez-arcilla conejo
    • jordi Font ferré (vocal)
    • joaquin Tintore subirana (vocal)
    • Durrieu de madron xavier (vocal)


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