Sobre el oficio y la tecnica en la obra de josep maria jujol.

Tesis doctoral de Diego Alberto Rodriguez Lozano

If there is something sure we can say about contemporary architectural practice is that there is a certain tendency to withdraw the architect from the building. The absolute denial of a physical relation between architect and matter seems to be the unavoidable sentence of our time. But there was a time when this was different. A time when the architect worked directly with the matter he was transforming. A time when this corporal relationship with the material was an usual thing inside the creative process. That kind of practice and technique, appeared in catalonia for the last time inside the movement popularly known as modernismo. Architects like doménech i montaner, gallisá, and of course gaudí, worked intimately with the matter. this generation was very influenced by nineteenth-century theories that clearly opposed to the increasing industry-minded times, and instead, they proposed a search to recover the most pure architectonical roots. Within the set of architects that was educated during this time, there was one that prolonged this way of work surprisingly until mid-twentieth-century, that architect was josep maria jujol. the work of jujol appear to us like a superb example of a kind of practice that is unique and absolutely different. On one hand linked to that spirit of recovering a way to work that it was already lost, and in other hand, proposing a way to understand architecture from a very different optic than that of the conventional modern or classic references. This kind of architectural work is located inside the germ of modernity and at the same time, in the hardest critic towards the same modernity. This paradoxical condition is the one that grants value to his own architectural and project practice. Our interest then, concentrates in recovering a way of work that is already lost, but without falling into anachronism, by studying a work that can operate as a critical tool, and possibly, a methodological one. what j


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Sobre el oficio y la tecnica en la obra de josep maria jujol.«

  • Título de la tesis:  Sobre el oficio y la tecnica en la obra de josep maria jujol.
  • Autor:  Diego Alberto Rodriguez Lozano
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  16/05/2006


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Cristina Jover Fontanals
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: josep Muntañola thornbergs
    • Antonio Salcedo miliani (vocal)
    • Manuel Aramendia zuazu (vocal)
    • José Garcia navas (vocal)


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