Asignacion multicriterio de tareas a trabajadores polivalentes

Tesis doctoral de Ericka Zulema Rodriguez Calvo

The organizations must be more competitive in order to take a place in present economics market, which implies to be immerse under constant changes, since it is not enough to have the capacity to generate products (goods and/or services), but a long time clients are more demanding, which forces to offer a great product variability, the fast satisfaction of their demands, costs reduction, etc.; Giving more importance to the relying on organization of the working time (ott), as a very useful tool to adapt to those constant changes of the markets. the allocation of tasks (at) is part of the ott, considering that the at begins from a previous knowledge of the amount of capacity that is arranged at every moment of time and the demand in the different tasks. In order to begin using the at certain there must be guidelines to follow, which are originated by: economic, ergonomic and social aspects, systems of work, legal conditioners, priorities of the organization, necessities of the personnel, etc. The at is specifically in charge to assign tasks to the personnel throughout a determined horizon of allocation, with previous knowledge of the demand of tasks and the personnel available in each of the time intervals at which the allocation horizon is divided. the objective of this thesis is centered in the development and validation of a methodology for the allocation of tasks with multifunctional personnel and multiple criteria. The proposed methodology deals not only with the assignment problem, it also deals with the problems of reassignment (i.E. generating a new task for the conditions that were not initially considered) and concatenation (when we need to do the task considering a previous file of allocation of tasks). the multicriteria model is introduced by means of mathematical programming, specifically making use of the mixed integer linear programming, considering a wide range of characteristics and different criteria of evaluation, b


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Asignacion multicriterio de tareas a trabajadores polivalentes«

  • Título de la tesis:  Asignacion multicriterio de tareas a trabajadores polivalentes
  • Autor:  Ericka Zulema Rodriguez Calvo
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  14/06/2006


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Anna María Coves Moreno
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: albert Corominas subias
    • beatriz Minguela rata (vocal)
    • Jorge Olivella nadal (vocal)
    • sergio Rubio lacoba (vocal)


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