Positive influence of delayed beedback on decision making – advocating a lost case ?

Tesis doctoral de Piotr Golec

Learning is a topic that has attracted much attention from psychologists and recently has become of increasing interest to economists. A key concept in the field of learning is that of feedback. In this dissertation, the conventional assumption that the optimal time for providing feedback is immediately after the related action has been taken is challenged. Instead, it is argued, that there are many environments in which delaying feedback can both lead to more effective learning and better decision making. the work consists of three experiments. The starting point of the first experiment is the observation that two theories have opposite predictions about how feedback affects the subsequent strategy search of people involved in learning tasks. It is showed that in lenient environments with immediate feedback (which is mainly positive), there seems to be little incentive to change strategies to improve. In the same circumstances, however, dealing with delays requires more thought and this can encourage people to experiment and seek better outcomes. On the contrary, when faced with exacting learning environments where feedback tends to be largely negative, the effect of immediate feedback is to stimulate strategy search whereas delays in feedback encourage reflection and have a moderating impact on strategy search. the second study breaks new experimental ground by considering an interesting twist on the type of feedback that learners receive. Instead of feedback being either immediate or delayed (i.E., By a constant lag), the effects of random delays in feedback are examined. It is argued that random feedback delay moderates over-reactions to signals (compared to constant lag feedback) in lenient environments and hence produces less strategy search; at the same time, it has an opposite effect in exacting environments, i.E., Incrementing the strategy search compared to simple delayed feedback. finally, the third study is building on wha


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Positive influence of delayed beedback on decision making – advocating a lost case ?«

  • Título de la tesis:  Positive influence of delayed beedback on decision making – advocating a lost case ?
  • Autor:  Piotr Golec
  • Universidad:  Pompeu fabra
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  12/07/2005


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Robin Hogarth
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: nigel Harvey
    • eric Raufaste (vocal)
    • christiane Schwieren (vocal)
    • jordi Brandts bernard (vocal)


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