Variable mixed-mode delamination in composite laminates under fatigue conditions: testing & analysis

Tesis doctoral de José Norberto Blanco Villaverde

Most of the failures in structural elements in use are a consequence of mechanical fatigue. Therefore, fatigue is a decisive factor in designing durable mechanical elements. In laminated composite materials, the fatigue process involves different damage mechanisms that result in the degradation of the material. One of the most important damage mechanisms is the delamination between plies of the laminate. In aeronautical applications, composite plates are sensitive to impact and delamination occurs readily in composite laminates on impact. Many composite components have curved shapes, tapered thickness and plies with different orientations, which make the delamination grow with a mode mix that depends on the extent of the crack. Thus, delaminations generally grow under varying mode mix. It is therefore important to develop methods that can characterise subcritical, mixed-mode growth in fatigue delamination. the main objective of the present investigation is the characterisation of the variable mixed-mode delamination in composite laminates under fatigue conditions. To this end, a mixed-mode fatigue delamination model is proposed. oppositely to the mixed-mode fatigue delamination models present in the literature, the proposed model takes into account the non-monotonic variation of the propagation parameters with the mode mix observed in different experimental data. Moreover, the mixed-mode end load split (mmels) test, which main characteristic is that the propagation mode of the interlaminar crack varies with the crack extent, is analysed. Two theoretical approaches present in the literature are considered. However, the resulting expressions for the mmels test are not equivalent and the differences between approaches can be up to 50 times. A more accurate alternative analysis of the mmels test is carried out in the present study for comparison. The alternative analysis is based on the finite element method and the virtual crack closure t


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Variable mixed-mode delamination in composite laminates under fatigue conditions: testing & analysis«

  • Título de la tesis:  Variable mixed-mode delamination in composite laminates under fatigue conditions: testing & analysis
  • Autor:  José Norberto Blanco Villaverde
  • Universidad:  Girona
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  21/01/2005


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Josep Costa Balanzat
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: federico París carballo
    • José María Pintado sanJuan benito (vocal)
    • kristofer Gamstedt (vocal)
    • Viña olay Jaime aurelio (vocal)


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