El reconocimiento del otro en la pedagogia cívica. estudio sobre la función de las emociones en la relación de alteridad

Tesis doctoral de Miriam Prieto Egido

This doctoral thesis is an in-depth analysis of the influence of social fear prevailing in current educational theory. Social fear generates a barrier in the relationship between educators and learners, as well as among learners. Subjects will experi ence a dissonance when another subject displays an evident and socially typified difference. The thereof resulting impediment induces responses to emotional elements which complicate a real encounter with the other. a double directional methodologi cal analysis of fear has been carried. Firstly, the relationship between emotions and the perception of the other has been studied. The research is based on current standards of neuroscience, psychology, philosophy and sociology, and focuses on analy zing the role of emotions in the construction of the representation of the other. Simultaneously, the study applies philosophical, historical and sociological resources in order to create a genealogy of the concept of fear. The approach taken conside rs fear in its entirety: starting in the individual perception of fear, inherent to human beings, following by the collective experience of fear in western societies, culminating in the current culture of fear. This contemporary take on fear is chara cterized by an overwhelming, imaginary fear of being disassociated from common places due to an inherent difference. The other is identified based on her dominating difference to the overall perceived norm. Secondly, we assess the impact of education al tolerance and compassion as reflex of social fear in relation to an individual¿s ability to act. the thesis concludes with a pedagogical proposition calling for the inclusion of positive action as an educational measure. The educational process to undergo a transition towards responsibility, openness and confidence, is recommended.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «El reconocimiento del otro en la pedagogia cívica. estudio sobre la función de las emociones en la relación de alteridad«

  • Título de la tesis:  El reconocimiento del otro en la pedagogia cívica. estudio sobre la función de las emociones en la relación de alteridad
  • Autor:  Miriam Prieto Egido
  • Universidad:  Complutense de Madrid
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  02/07/2012


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Fernando Bárcena Orbe
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: José Miguel Marinas herreras
    • veronica Oelsner (vocal)
    • joaquín Esteban ortega (vocal)
    • Marta Ruiz corbella (vocal)


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