New conducting polymers design, synthesis, characterization and applications

Tesis doctoral de Cintia Ocampo Cruelles

This thesis is made of three parts: 1.- The electrochemical synthesis and characterization of conducting polymers and copolymers. 2.- The prediction and understanding of the properties of some of these systems using theoretical methods based on quantum mechanics. 3.- The use of the prepared polymers and copolymers in different technological applications. specifically, this work concentrates in reliability of these materials as anticorrosive additives for a series of marine paints and their ability to interact with conventional biomolecules. In the first part, the electrogeneration of conducting polymers and copolymers from monomers of heterocyclic nature as well as the optimization of their electropolymerization conditions is presented. Furthermore, the resulting materials have been characterized and their properties evaluated. Specifically, the stability, electrical conductivity and composition with respect to the generation medium (for copolymers) of the prepared materials were determined. In addition, the variation of these properties with the composition was examined for the copolymers, a comparison with individual homopolymers being established. the second part consists on the application of quantum chemical methods to study the electronic and molecular structure of electroactive systems that could be interesting for technological applications. Thus, theoretical methods have allowed understand and predict the properties of these materials. In addition, results provided by calculations have been useful to design new families of conducting polymers with optimized properties with potential biomedical applications. finally, the third part presents how the addition of conducting polymers to a series of marine paints (primers) improve the resistance of these organic coatings against corrosion. specifically, the influence of different factors (the preparation method, the doping degree, the copolymerisation, the estereoregularity, etc.) On the anticorrosive prot


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «New conducting polymers design, synthesis, characterization and applications«

  • Título de la tesis:  New conducting polymers design, synthesis, characterization and applications
  • Autor:  Cintia Ocampo Cruelles
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  28/03/2008


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Carlos Enrique Alemán Llansó
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: Jorge Puiggalí bellalta
    • denis Jacquemin (vocal)
    • pier Luigi bonora (vocal)
    • lluís Juli? bargés (vocal)


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