Unfolding architecture. laboratorio de representacion e ideacion (medios analogos y digitales)

Tesis doctoral de Mauro Chiarella

The different representation systems used in architecture create, modify and/ or confirm ways of interpretation and memory concerning the mechanism of perception and knowledge they propose. The architectonic representation allows the understanding and assessing of relationships between their tools of project and their resulting architectonic forms, which are contextualized in the social structure and cultural paradigm where they are developed. throughout history the different advances in the field of representation have had effects on architectonic space beliefs. The change in representing and consequently conceiving architectonic objects in the processes of proyect has made important modifications in the very structure of the architectonic creation and therefore in its new space conceptions. By introducing the digital mathematical calculus and revising the traditional cartesian space, western architecture in its geometrical constructions has shifted from the rigid classicism module and the birth of the euclidean geometry towards the contemporary informalism. the discussion of the methods, theories and observations used in the positivism approach, in which rigid unquestionable universal truths turned to constantly changing and varied points of view, resulted in the complexity paradigm introduction. The latest experimental architecture trends have reacted by adopting complex creative thinking and development processes (i.E. Strategic open and rhizomatic processes) and thus suggesting a non- lineal complexity as an alternative to the traditional project methods. Due to either the revision and re- semantization of the traditional representation systems or the introduction of innovative resources from the digital simulation and representation, new trends have been suggested and characterized by a detailed graphic analysis. this thesis examines the current cultural and instrumental conditions of the contemporary subject where, in an exchanging and interaction process between digital data bases, collective authorship and hypertext construction (the latter being allowed by information and communication technologies) creativity is extended, generating multiplicities and mixtures in its procedures and results. a representation and creative thinking laboratory is consequently created to aim at: ¿ reflecting on the technical and conceptual implications of the new creative thinking with digital-analog tools and the practical exercises of architectonic form and space developments when applied to the didactics of the architectural project. ¿ examining the possibilities of integration between digital and analog tools as an essential factor in the creation of an architectonic object which occurs in a historical process of development and it is considered as a cultural fact. ¿ suggesting alternatives of projects by new approaches and thinking strategies for the creation, control and geometrical construction of specific forms and spaces in contemporary situations. exercises of project carried out by professors of different universities, cultural-differentiated regions (latin america and europe) and of related disciplines of project will be analyzed according to the hypothesis and objectives organized in two distinctive groups as follows: laboratory of project i (experimental workshop) mainly focused on aspects related to the creation and development of architectonic objects (geometry, space, form, space and matter). Workshops carried out in latin america: universidad del bio-bio (chile); universidad nacional del litoral (argentina) and universidade do vale do rio dos sinos (brazil). laboratory of project ii (urban fragments) focused on variables related to the contextual and urban relationship of the architectonic objects designed and created according to strategic uses of the analog-digital graphic representation. These experiences of applied methodologies have been included as a complementary of regular attendance at the taller de proyecto arquitectónico fadu-unl (argentina) and the international workshop at the universití  di bologna (italy).


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Unfolding architecture. laboratorio de representacion e ideacion (medios analogos y digitales)«

  • Título de la tesis:  Unfolding architecture. laboratorio de representacion e ideacion (medios analogos y digitales)
  • Autor:  Mauro Chiarella
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  04/12/2009


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Ernest Redondo Domínguez
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: leopoldo Uria iglesias
    • Luis felipe Pires da conceií§ao (vocal)
    • Juan Puebla pons (vocal)
    • rodrigo Garcia alvarado (vocal)


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