La filosofíacientífica y la conceptualización del hecho comunicativo.

Tesis doctoral de Fermín Goñi Sáez

The goal of the doctoral thesis is to propose a new philosophical concept of communication. The philosophical reconstruction of a relevant concept is an epistemic problem of exceptional difficulty. The essential point is that the conceptual object «communication» can only be built if we postulate the fundamental value of the scientific philosophy: theoretical, critical and systematic research on the reality in toto, which is composed of two basic fields of knowledge: ta (scientific realis -epistemological field-) and tb (scientific materialism -ontological field-. scientific realism -ta- holds that science, h-d systems, its models, its conceptual objects, the h-d method, onto-epistemological presuppositions and the scientists who built the scientific knowledge compose the scientific community. The knowledge developed by science is the most validated knowledge -testable, refuted and systematic representation of the external world- built by individuals of the specie homo sapiens sapiens. scientific materialims -tb- holds that the origin, change and development in every material object -system or component- is dependent on legal-natural processes and matter. Ergo, the external world and its laws are independent of and previous to neuro-cognitive activity. the new concept refers to functional and structural changes in three connected systems (socio-bio-psychology): social system, human being and central nervous system. In conclusion, the author of this research proposes that the new philosophical concept of communication and its onto-epistemological postulates (ta and tb) are basic in order to develop a scientific, systematic and testable theory of communication.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «La filosofíacientífica y la conceptualización del hecho comunicativo.«

  • Título de la tesis:  La filosofíacientífica y la conceptualización del hecho comunicativo.
  • Autor:  Fermín Goñi Sáez
  • Universidad:  Navarra
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  26/03/2011


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Alejandro Navas Garcia
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: Manuel víctor Martín algarra
    • José María Garcia blanco (vocal)
    • josetxo Beriain razquin (vocal)
    • Juan Arana cañedo-argí¼elles (vocal)


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