Mobbing: acoso psicologico en contextos de enfermería

Tesis doctoral de Guilhermina Dias Carvalho

Resumen the thematic approach in this study mentions a phenomena#s that isn#t recent, however little studied in portugal: the mobbing. After a bibliographical research, was verified a significant prevalence of mobbing in context of work in the whole world, in the nursing profession for example. this study intends to validate a scale on the strategies of mobbing: lipt 60 (leymann inventory of psychological terrorization) to a portuguese population of nurses, thus as, to evaluate their existence, intensity and frequency in nurses within this study. It has as purpose to give visibility to this subject and to better understand it, contributing at preventive level, giving help and support to the victims. to reach the initial proposal, it was fulfilled a quantitative study, of correlational and transversal nature. For convenience the sample was constituted of nurses of a public hospital, and the questionnaire the instrument chosen to gather data. The descriptive and inferential statistics was used for data handling, that had been treated in spss (11.0). from the results obtained, it was verified that the majority of the nurses in study tried at least one (1) behavior of mobbing in sixty (60), in its local work. The methods used by the aggressor is to disrespect the victim in relation with his colleagues as well as to limit his communication. The nurses who have conscience that, already had been or, they are victims of mobbing in its local work, it was verified that the duration of the behaviors was inferior of 5 years and had happened some times per months and per years. The majority points some causes like, solidarity with the other colleagues and bad management of the conflicts. The nurses are besieged in its majority by one or some colleagues (horizontal type). The majority complains of insomnia, anxiety, irritability, and difficulty in concentration, among others, what test that, the nurses who experienced to mobbing behaviours in its local work can have pernicious effect for its physical health, mental, psychological and social.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Mobbing: acoso psicologico en contextos de enfermería«

  • Título de la tesis:  Mobbing: acoso psicologico en contextos de enfermería
  • Autor:  Guilhermina Dias Carvalho
  • Universidad:  Extremadura
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  01/12/2008


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Florencio Vicente Castro
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: giorgo Soro
    • david Padilla gongora (vocal)
    • agustín Dosil maceira (vocal)
    • José Antonio Del barrio del campo (vocal)


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