Gamma-ray emission from regions of star formation: theory and observations with the magic telescope

Tesis doctoral de Eva Domingo Santamaría

Was the aim of this thesis to study the possibility that regions with important activity in star formation may appear as sources of gamma-rays for the current and near future gamma-ray detectors, both ground and space-satellite based. After a positive evaluation that the gamma-ray emission from galaxies prone of star formation processes (as starburst or ultra luminous infrared galaxies) may be close to the flux sensitivities of the current gamma-ray telescopes, a detailed model of the multiwavelength diffuse emission from the two best candidates, ngc 253 and arp 220, has been presented. It is predicted that they will be detectable by glast, the next largest gamma-ray satellite, and by hess and magic, the current cherenkov telescopes, in case enough observation time is devoted. on the other hand, within this thesis it is described a model which proposes the emission of important fluxes of gamma-rays from regions of star formation within our galaxy, as the stellar association of young ob stars. The model considers the emission of gamma-rays close to tev energies by hadronic interactions within the stellar winds of some of the stars of the association, predicting at the same time that the emission at lower energies is substantially supressed due to the modulation effects that the incoming population of primary cosmic rays suffers when penetrating the winds. The best candidates among the galactic ob associations are briefly discussed. finally, a first analysis of the data taken by the magic telescope when observing two of these regions of star formation is described. On one hand, the closest ultra luminous infrared galaxy, arp 220. On the other, tev j2032+4130, which is still an unidentified source whose origin has been several times related to the powerful stellar ob association cygnus ob2. any of both observations has implied a detection, and upper limits to the gamma-ray flux have been imposed. However, although the few hours of observat


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Gamma-ray emission from regions of star formation: theory and observations with the magic telescope«

  • Título de la tesis:  Gamma-ray emission from regions of star formation: theory and observations with the magic telescope
  • Autor:  Eva Domingo Santamaría
  • Universidad:  Autónoma de barcelona
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  03/03/2006


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Juan Cortina Blanco
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: wolfgang Wittek
    • anita Reimer (vocal)
    • Hernández rey Juan José (vocal)
    • josep María Paredes poy (vocal)


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