Numerical studies of natural and forced convective heat transfer processes using two-equation turbulence models

Tesis doctoral de Xavier Albets Chico

Turbulent flows are extremely usual in both natural and industrial environments. hence, their analysis and resolution are of great interest for the development and improvement of industrial processes and products; for the comprehension of atmospheric, oceanic and environmental phenomena; for the development of new energy sources (or for the optimization of the traditional ones); as well as for the advance of living conditions, among a lot of diverse aspects. Unfortunately, under real cases, complexity regarding turbulence makes impossible its mathematical resolution and implies a highly costive computational resolution (cpu time-consumption, memory storage, etc.). because of all these aspects, basic research on turbulence models is needed in order to convert the deeply interesting turbulent cases into tractable situations from engineering and computational points of view. present thesis is based on analysis of time-averaged mathematical models or «reynolds-averaged navier-stokes» (rans) turbulence models. More concretely, this work is built on the use of eddy-viscosity two-equation models. These mathematical techniques have became, up to present moment, the most usual methods for turbulence resolution in the surrounding of the engineering field, because they provide a compromise between accuracy and tractability. from a numerical point of view, computational discretizations have been developed over the well-known finite volume techniques in combination with the simple-like methodology for the resolution of the mass-momentum coupling. such techniques are the most usual methods for both computational fluid dynamics (cfd) and turbulence modelling by the international scientific community. main purposes of the work are spread, on the one hand, throughout the acquisition of a know-how regarding eddy-viscosity two-equation models under basic forced and natural convective cases and, on the other, over the numerical and computational analys


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Numerical studies of natural and forced convective heat transfer processes using two-equation turbulence models«

  • Título de la tesis:  Numerical studies of natural and forced convective heat transfer processes using two-equation turbulence models
  • Autor:  Xavier Albets Chico
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  31/05/2006


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Carles David Pérez Segarra
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: esteban Codina macia
    • Antonio Pascau benito (vocal)
    • valeriano Ruiz hernández (vocal)
    • manel Soria guerrero (vocal)


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