Geo-resouces and geo-hazards in the context of a sustainable development in the peripehry if urgan areas, exemplary of a part of the ebro basin in the surroudings of zaragoza (spain).

Tesis doctoral de Lamelas Gracia María Teresa

Although sustainability is a term frequently used in debates on teh future of society and its needs (e.G. Agenda 21), many questions seemed to be open with respecto to a sustainable management of ghe ebro basin in the surrounding of zaragoza. this city of about 700.000 inhabitants is located in the central part of the ebro basin. This is a highly dynamic economic axis and densely populated area within the iberian peninsula. In this sector, the tertiary playa-lake deposits of oligonece to miocene age are only covered, in some areas, by pediments and terraces of the ebro river and its tributaries. in the periphery of zaragoza, the inteactions with the geosphere have been largely ignored due to the fast economic and urban development of this city. This resulted among others in the destruction of many infrastructures caused by land subsidence, a loss of valuable agricultural land and valuable natural areas and an increasing aquifer contamination. at present, to ensure that land-use decisions imply a high degree of sustaninability, it must be taken care of geo-resources and geo-hazards. Therefore, they were regionalised using geographical informaton systems. in a first step, all available geoscientific data was collected, analysed and prepared for its introduction into a geographical information system in order to be mapped (geology, geomorphology, soils, climate, vegetation, land-use, natural protected areas). afterwards, geo-hazards (erosion, dolines susceptibility and groundwater vulnerability) and geo-resources (sand and gravel deposits, agricultural capability of soils) were detected, described and modelled with the help of geographical information system and 3d techniques. The selection of the land evaluation methodologies for geo-hazards and geo-resources modelling was made considering the availability and quality of information for their development, their suitability to the study area and the final objective of the models. the third step aims to develop a


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Geo-resouces and geo-hazards in the context of a sustainable development in the peripehry if urgan areas, exemplary of a part of the ebro basin in the surroudings of zaragoza (spain).«

  • Título de la tesis:  Geo-resouces and geo-hazards in the context of a sustainable development in the peripehry if urgan areas, exemplary of a part of the ebro basin in the surroudings of zaragoza (spain).
  • Autor:  Lamelas Gracia María Teresa
  • Universidad:  Zaragoza
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  26/01/2007


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Andreas Hoppe
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: johann-dietrich Wí¶rner
    • mathias Hinderer (vocal)
    • De la riva Juan (vocal)
    • heinrich Thiemeyer (vocal)


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