El primer arquitecte a sant pere de rodes: projectar una església fa deu segles

Tesis doctoral de Josep Giner Olcina

The aim is to establish what the nature was of the church of the monastery of sant pere de rodes for those in charge of its conception and actual construction when the building was first considered complete. We have examined the historiography and the difficulties encountered in describing the form of the church, measured the building, drawn new plans, found the unit used, related the dimensions to contemporary knowledge on proportion and biblical descriptions, followed changes during the building process, put the vocabulary in context and described both the spatial structure and the iconological program. The church could neither have been conceived, developed nor built without the quadrivium, the bible, the exegetical idea of multiplicity of senses and an analytical knowledge of roman or roman-based architecture; nor without the ability to get equivalent decision criteria from all of them. The superimposed columns make the building into a place.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «El primer arquitecte a sant pere de rodes: projectar una església fa deu segles«

  • Título de la tesis:  El primer arquitecte a sant pere de rodes: projectar una església fa deu segles
  • Autor:  Josep Giner Olcina
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  05/07/2012


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • José Angel Sanz Esquide
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: Rafael Moneo vallés
    • xavier Barral i altet (vocal)
    • alain Guerreau (vocal)
    • pere Hereu payet (vocal)


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