New methodologies applied to quantify dynamics of the ovary in indeterminate fecundity species
Tesis doctoral de María Corta Albisua The methodological approach chosen for quantification of reproduction is related to reproductive strategy of […]
Información academica Hilario Murua Auricenea. Tesis donde Hilario Murua Auricenea ha sido autor, director o parte del tribunal.
Tesis doctoral de María Corta Albisua The methodological approach chosen for quantification of reproduction is related to reproductive strategy of […]
Tesis doctoral de Iker Zudaire Balerdi Aurkeztutako doktoradutza tesiak indiako ozeanoko atun hegahoriaren (thunnusalbacares) ugal ekología modu integral batetan aztertzea
Tesis doctoral de Maitane Grande Mendizabal Doktorego tesi ikerketa honen helburua ozeano indikoko lanpo-sabelmarradun populazioren ugal ahalmenaren aldakortasunean eragiten duten
Tesis doctoral de Hilario Murua Auricenea Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Reproductive fundamentals for the estimation of egg