Estudio de la geometria de la llama de incendios de balsas de hidrocarburos

Tesis doctoral de Jesús Manuel Quintela Cortes

Due to technological advances are not able to monitor fires and damage they produce and in order to improve its prevention and extinguishing, fire investigation is needed to continue. The main idea of this thesis is to provide a wider knowledge on fires taken place at hydrocarbour pool, given that they are able to improve fire security at instalments where this kind of accidents could happen. experimental tests required to develop the investigations presented in this thesis, took place in an area where the main test area were the pool, leaving other equipment and instalments relegated to test needs. Because of complexity and restrictions experimental test have, the test field of «can padró» centro de formación de seguridad (security teaching centre) was considered to be the most adequate one. experimental test flame shooting was made both through visible and ultraviolet wave images, so that flame geometry could be drawn providing visible height and inclination depending on wind speed. Visible wave images provided a wide fire analysis, completed with the simplicity and velocity only ultraviolet wave images are able to bring., image analysis data has been the basis of flame geometry modelling, through a semi empiric model based on this data which has obtained an easy implantation calculation code for fire simulation at pool. on the one hand, this thesis focuses in the design and building of an experimental instalment for hydrocarbur pool fires study, provided with a data capture system that allows value obtaining at real time and simultaneously from different fire points also capable to immediately analyze them. On the other hand, adequate informatic application design has allowed developing an image analysis methodology to determine fire geometry as well as different factors effect on the fore mentioned geometry. In addition to that, thanks to a rigorous statistic process, different oil and petrol pool fire new correlations have


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Estudio de la geometria de la llama de incendios de balsas de hidrocarburos«

  • Título de la tesis:  Estudio de la geometria de la llama de incendios de balsas de hidrocarburos
  • Autor:  Jesús Manuel Quintela Cortes
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  27/04/2006


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Josep Arnaldos Viger
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: joaquim Casal fí brega
    • agustin Macias machin (vocal)
    • José angel Fraguela formoso (vocal)
    • Lopez lopez Juan Carlos (vocal)


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