Distributed mobile robot localization and communication system for special interventions

Tesis doctoral de Jorge Sales Gil

This thesis focuses on the development of a distributed mobile robot localization and communication system for special interventions like those carried out by fire-fighters in fire ground search and rescue. The use case scenario is related to the one described for the guardians eu project, where a swarm formation of mobile robots accompany a fire fighter during a rescue intervention in a warehouse. In this line, localizing the robots and the fire fighter during an indoor intervention with the presence of smoke is one of the more interesting challenges in this scenario. Several localization techniques have been developed using ultrasonic sensors, radio frequency signals and visual information. It has also been studied several communication protocols that can help to improve the efficiency of the system in such scenario and a proposal for designing a cross-layer communication platform that improves the connectivity of the mobile nodes during an intervention and reduces the number of lost data packets.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Distributed mobile robot localization and communication system for special interventions«

  • Título de la tesis:  Distributed mobile robot localization and communication system for special interventions
  • Autor:  Jorge Sales Gil
  • Universidad:  Jaume i de castellón
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  28/10/2011


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Enric Cervera Mateu
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: jacques Penders
    • Manuel Ferre perez (vocal)
    • José María Azorin poveda (vocal)
    • José Fernandez ruzafa (vocal)


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