Child and adult nonnative subject development: a bi-directional study of english and spanish as l2s

Tesis doctoral de Elisabet Pladevall Ballester

The present study explores the non-native english and spanish acquisition of subject properties in spanish and english-speaking children and adults who are not in the l2-speaking country and thus contributes to the amount of research produced in the field by providing new data and findings. Under a generative grammar approach to l2a, the effects of ug in subject development in both child and adult l2a, the existence of l1 transfer effects and the cluster of properties of the traditional null subject parameter in l2a remain unresolved and need to be analysed under more recent theoretical proposals. The study will be carried out by means of cross-sectional data obtained through comprehension experimental tasks conducted on children and adults in two different acquisition contexts. Child l2a is examined in an immersion context of an american school in barcelona and a spanish school in london and adult l2a is explored in an institutional classroom setting. Child and adult l2 acquisition are not compared in this study, since the two different learning environments represent two very distinct processes of acquisition, namely child immersion and adult classroom instruction, which clearly affect the way language develops. Yet the same experimental method will be used for both children and adults, although an oral version of the task will be provided to the youngest groups of informants, namely grammaticality judgement and correction tasks for l2 english informants and grammaticality judgement and preference tasks for l2 spanish informants. Three age groups per language in the case of child l2a and three level groups per language in the case of adult l2a together with their corresponding control monolingual groups will be tested. the thesis is guided by and built around six research questions, whose answers represent its major findings: 1. Is the l2 initial state characterised by clustered transfer of subject properties associated with l1 parameter values? 2. Is l2 develo


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Child and adult nonnative subject development: a bi-directional study of english and spanish as l2s«

  • Título de la tesis:  Child and adult nonnative subject development: a bi-directional study of english and spanish as l2s
  • Autor:  Elisabet Pladevall Ballester
  • Universidad:  Autónoma de barcelona
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  14/12/2007


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Mireia Llin?s Grau
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: García Mayo María Pilar
    • Aurora Bel Gaya (vocal)
    • Juan a Muñoz Liceras (vocal)
    • Sharon Unsworth (vocal)


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