Tesis doctoral de Isabel Moll Mendoza
The aim of the research consisted of finding out whether companies recognised for their excellence and for being design-oriented are also market-oriented. Volume of sales, growth and profitability are all indicators of excellence. Design orientation refers to strategic approaches that give priority to design. In the research, the montaña & moll (2003) model was taken to measure the quality of design management. Market orientation is based on four variables, defined by lafferty & hult (2001): customer orientation, the importance of information, inter-functional coordination between marketing activities and the different functions of a company, and the receptiveness and actions taken in accordance with market changes. The following theoretical proposals were derived from the research questions (rq. 1. How is design managed in design-oriented comp anies? And rq. 2. Are design-oriented companies market-oriented?): .. 1a: in the companies studied, design is managed in accordance with the model proposed by montaña & moll (2003). .. 1b: the model proposed by montaña & moll (2003) is unique, and applicable to companies in the different sectors analysed. .. 2: the companies analysed – firms recognised for their business success and because they are committed to design as a business resource – are customer oriented, place importance on information, promote interfunctional coordination between marketing activities and the other business functions, and act in accordance with the changes in their environment. As a result, they tend to develop market orientation very successfully. in accordance with the research objectives, for exploratory purposes qualitative methodology was applied to the study of a large number of cases of companies recognised for their business excellence and for their commitment to design as a strategic resource. 28 spanish companies with these characteristics were analysed, which operate in the electronics, furniture and urban restaurant/hotel secto
Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Orientacion al diseño y orientacion al mercado. la relacion entre la optimizacion del diseño como recurso empresarial y la orientacion al mercado de las empresas.«
- Título de la tesis: Orientacion al diseño y orientacion al mercado. la relacion entre la optimizacion del diseño como recurso empresarial y la orientacion al mercado de las empresas.
- Autor: Isabel Moll Mendoza
- Universidad: Politécnica de catalunya
- Fecha de lectura de la tesis: 09/01/2007
Dirección y tribunal
- Director de la tesis
- Francesc Solé Parellada
- Tribunal
- Presidente del tribunal: lLuis Cuatrecasas arbos
- José María Castan farrero (vocal)
- jaume Valls passola (vocal)
- mario Aguer hortal (vocal)