Deteccio, caracteritzacio i estudi de les sibilancies en senyals de so respiratori de pacients amb malalties pulmonars

Tesis doctoral de Antoni Homs Corbera

The main contribution of this phd thesis is to propose new signal processing techniques to objectively analyze respiratory sounds, specifically wheezes, as a medical diagnostic complementary tool and to monitor the clinical evolution of pulmonary diseases. initially, two algorithms based on the spectrogram analysis have been proposed and validated in order to detect wheezes: the local mean shabtai-musih (smml) and the local adaptive wheezes detection algorithm (lawda). Validation, done using 60 sound signals and with the assessment of an specialized medical doctor, shows a wheezes detection sensibility of 90.3% for the smml and of 93.9% for the lawda when 1.2 to 0.2 l/s forced exhalation flow levels are evaluated. These values go down to 64.5% and 71.0% respectively when the 0.2 to 0 l/s segment is used instead. sound signals used for this study were acquired from the patient during the spirometry maneuver that is used for the assessment of pulmonary function in regular clinical practice. Data base is composed by 37 individuals: 16 non-smoker bronchial asthma patients, 6 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd) affected individuals, and 15 control subjects. A minimum of 6 maneuvers have been studied for each patient: 3 in basal state and 3 after 20 minutes of applying a 1 mg dose of terbutaline (bronchodilator). for the flow segment of interest (1.2 to 0.2 l/s), a statistical study of its characteristic parameters: number of detected wheezes, mean frequency of the wheeze with higher power peak (fmsppm) or mean power (fmspmm), the mean value of the detected wheezes mean frequencies (pfm), and the percentage of maneuver occupied by monophony, polyphony or without wheezes; has been performed. Significant differences between groups have been found for the intrapatient mean and standard deviation of some of the studied parameters but results were not always coincident for the two detection algorithms. a remarkable result has been enco


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Deteccio, caracteritzacio i estudi de les sibilancies en senyals de so respiratori de pacients amb malalties pulmonars«

  • Título de la tesis:  Deteccio, caracteritzacio i estudi de les sibilancies en senyals de so respiratori de pacients amb malalties pulmonars
  • Autor:  Antoni Homs Corbera
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  14/10/2005


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Raimon Jané Campos
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: pere Caminal
    • pablo Laguna (vocal)
    • daniel Navajas (vocal)
    • José Antonio Fiz fernández (vocal)


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