Tesis doctoral de Eduard Ortega Esparza
We study the rings of quotients of nonsingular rings. We turn our attention to the largest two-sided rings of quotients, called «the maximal symmetric ring of quotients». We show some basic algebraic properties and some examples of maximal symmetric ring of quotients. In particular we give the computation of the maximal symmetric ring of quotients for the class of the finite dimensional incidence algebras and path algebras, and the computation of the maximal symmetric ring of quotients for path algebras of locally finite quivers as well. Finally we study the two-sided localizations from a categorical point of view.
Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «The maximal symmetric ring of quotients: path algebras, incidence algebras and bicategories«
- Título de la tesis: The maximal symmetric ring of quotients: path algebras, incidence algebras and bicategories
- Autor: Eduard Ortega Esparza
- Universidad: Autónoma de barcelona
- Fecha de lectura de la tesis: 26/06/2006
Dirección y tribunal
- Director de la tesis
- Pere Ara Bertran
- Tribunal
- Presidente del tribunal: Del rio mateos angel
- martin Mathieu (vocal)
- gene Abrams (vocal)
- mercedes Siles molina (vocal)