Estudio de la rigidez neumatica de suspensiones para vehiculos

Tesis doctoral de Manuel Guijon Amengual

A study about pneumatic suspension stiffness and its dependent parameters is presented in this phd thesis. it is performed a model which is able to predict the behaviour of a pneumatic suspension simulated with suspensions special equipment. once theory has been compared with experiments, good correlation is guaranteed for both sorts of suspensions, single and double chamber. finally, prototype setup guide has been given. This unit must be able to control suspension behaviour versus input external forces. design of a device capable of change effective pass area of the flow between the two chambers is the key for an absolute control of pneumatic suspension stiffness. Such an apparatus must transform vehicle suspension in a stiff part capable of isolate passenger and sprung mass from road irregularities when it is required. It must be able to give smoother behaviour to ensure occupants comfort as well, and always maintaining the ratio stiffness – smoothness to ensure a good handling. prototype, in addition, could be designed for a determined stiffness range which could be chosen as a function of vehicle type and/or conditions to be supported.Good correlation with experiments is achieved. It is also shown the way to control this behaviour in front of external forces. analysis has been focused in two different configurations. First, a piston influence on gas pressure and temperature in a single chamber suspension has been studied. Then, it is analyzed a pneumatic suspension which is constituted by two chambers separated by an orifice. The orifice will have a definitive influence on suspension stiffness. It is shown poor classical approach accuracy to predict stiffness at high pressure conditions, although it has an extended use in vehicle engineering. A model which has in account nonideal gas effects has been developed. Lee-kesler equation of state has been used. two experimental units have been built to develop a diagnosis model which defines heat transfer coeff


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Estudio de la rigidez neumatica de suspensiones para vehiculos«

  • Título de la tesis:  Estudio de la rigidez neumatica de suspensiones para vehiculos
  • Autor:  Manuel Guijon Amengual
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  06/10/2006


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Esteban Codina Macia
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: ramon Carreras planells
    • joaquim Velayos sole (vocal)
    • salvador Montserrat ribas (vocal)
    • Manuel Vieco aguilar (vocal)


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