Stochastic geometric mechanics

Tesis doctoral de Joan Andreu Lázaro Camí

This doctoral thesis lies within the framework of stochastic differential geometry and is structured in four chapters. Its goal is conveying to the geometric mechanics community the wealth of global tools available to handle mechanical problems that contain a stochastic component and that do not seem to have been exploited to the full extent of their potential. After an introductory chapter aimed at recalling the main basics of stochastic calculus both in euclidean spaces and manifolds, the new contributions of the thesis are contained in the subsequent chapters. in chapter 2, we use the global stochastic analysis tools introduced by p. A. Meyer and l. Schwartz to write down a stochastic generalization of the hamilton equations on a poisson manifold that, for exact symplectic manifolds, are characterized by a natural critical action principle similar to the one encountered in classical mechanics. Several features and examples in relation with the solution semimartingales of these equations are presented. We extend then some aspects of the hamilton-jacobi theory to the category of stochastic hamiltonian dynamical systems. More specifically, we show that the stochastic action satisfies the hamilton-jacobi equation when, as in the classical situation, it is written as a function of the configuration space using a regular lagrangian submanifold. Additionally, we will use a variation of the hamilton-jacobi equation to characterize the generating functions of one-parameter groups of symplectomorphisms that allow one to rewrite a given stochastic hamiltonian system in a form whose solutions are very easy to find; this result recovers in the stochastic context the classical solution method by reduction to the equilibrium of a hamiltonian system. in chapter 3, we present reduction and reconstruction procedures for the solutions of symmetric stochastic differential equations, similar to those available for ordinary differential equations. Additionally, we use the local tangent-normal decomposition, available when the symmetry group is proper, to construct local skew-product splittings in a neighborhood of any point in the open and dense principal orbit type. The general methods introduced are then adapted to the hamiltonian case, which is studied with special care and illustrated with several examples. The hamiltonian category deserves a separate study since in that situation the presence of symmetries implies in most cases the existence of conservation laws, mathematically described via momentum maps, that should be taken into account in the analysis. finally, chapter 4 proves a version for stochastic differential equations of the lie-scheffers theorem. This result characterizes the existence of nonlinear superposition rules for the general solution of those equations in terms of the involution properties of the distribution generated by the vector fields that define it. When stated in the particular case of standard deterministic systems, our main theorem improves various aspects of the classical lie-scheffers result. We show that the stochastic analog of the classical lie-scheffers systems can be reduced to the study of lie group valued stochastic lie-scheffers systems; those systems, as well as those taking values in homogeneous spaces are studied in detail. These developments are illustrated with several examples.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Stochastic geometric mechanics«

  • Título de la tesis:  Stochastic geometric mechanics
  • Autor:  Joan Andreu Lázaro Camí
  • Universidad:  Zaragoza
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  10/12/2008


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Juan Pablo Ortega Lahuerta
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: manuel De león rodríguez
    • josef Teichmann (vocal)
    • michel émery (vocal)
    • Manuel Asorey carballeira (vocal)


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