Turbulent structure in environmental flows: effects of stratification and rotation
Tesis doctoral de Anna Magdalena Matulka Several series of experiments in stratified and in rotating/stratified decaying flows after a grid […]
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Tesis doctoral de Anna Magdalena Matulka Several series of experiments in stratified and in rotating/stratified decaying flows after a grid […]
Tesis doctoral de Juan Manuel Montes Hicapie «in antioquia (colombia) we have a growing awareness on the best opportunity to
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Tesis doctoral de Diana Victorio Romano El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis de los beneficios directos de
Tesis doctoral de Eduardo García Villegas Wlans, primarily the various versions of ieee 802.11 standards, and more precisely, those operating
Tesis doctoral de Jordi Dunjo Denti Identifying hazards is fundamental for ensuring the safe design and operation of a systemÂ
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