Cooperative mimo communications – information theoretical limits and practical coding strategies
Tesis doctoral de Sebastien Simoens Early works on the capacity of the wireless relay channel date back more than 30 […]
Accede a todas las tesis doctorales sobre Politécnica de catalunya mas relevantes.
Tesis doctoral de Sebastien Simoens Early works on the capacity of the wireless relay channel date back more than 30 […]
Tesis doctoral de Abdelmadjid Boudaba Object grasping plays a key role in robotics. The problem of achieving efficient grasps is
Tesis doctoral de Amanda Montejano Cantoral Starting with the four color problem, the theory of graph coloring has existed for
Tesis doctoral de María GonÁ§alves Ageitos The urban air pollution affects human health, causes damage to ecosystems and transboundary air
Tesis doctoral de Ivan Contreras Aguilar Network hub location problems (hlps) define a well-known family of difficult problems within discrete
Tesis doctoral de Luit Jan Slooten The ever-growing complexity of groundwater models calls for the generation of modeling software that
Tesis doctoral de José Ignacio Candela García Este trabajo se dedica a analizar los diferentes elementos y estructuras de los
Tesis doctoral de Juan José Hidalgo González Groundwater models have become an irreplaceable tool in hydrology. Density-dependent flow and transport
Tesis doctoral de Marcel·la Castells Sanabra La política europea de transporte pretende alcanzar un sistema donde la sostenibilidad juegue un
Tesis doctoral de Romina Marín Bernabé The presented thesis is addressed to the development of polyurethanes made from carbohydrate derived