Stream control transmission protocol (sctp), a proposal for seamless handover management at the transport layer in heterogeneous wireless networks

Tesis doctoral de Lukasz Budzisz

Next generation mobile data networks are expected to achieve a high degree of inter-networking so that the mobile users can truly experience seamless access to their services, irrespective of the radio technology being used. In such scenarios, ip networking is becoming the keystone capable to turn this vision into a reality. Hence, mobility management solutions for ip networks are expected to provide seamless mobility across multiple radio access options. Earlier works on the mobility management problem discussed various solutions, mainly in network and application layer of the iso/osi protocol stack. More recently, transport layer handover schemes emerged, and are currently receiving a notable attention in the research community, as they seem to match very well the basic paradigm of the ip networking, where intelligence is moved towards the edges of the network. Therefore, this dissertation investigates and evaluates the idea of handling mobility at the transport layer, using mobile stream control transmission protocol (msctp) as an example of a handover transport layer protocol. to this end, (the first part of) this thesis provides the reader with a necessary background for ip mobility-related aspects, surveying detailedly the most popular of the existing solutions. Provided overview includes mobile ip (mip) and its most important derivatives to represent the network-layer-based schemes, as well as session initiation protocol (sip) as an example of an application-layer approach. The details of the most important transport layer solutions are given on continuation, along with the motivation for the development of such mobility management schemes. Among presented transport-layer approaches, the one based on the msctp is chosen as a representative for the analysis performed in this dissertation. This choice is additionally motivated by two interesting features that sctp protocol introduces, and that are interesting in the context of handover applications: multihoming and multistreaming (to some extent). (still in the introductory part) a detailed state-of-the-art of the sctp protocol is provided, stressing its signaling background and original scope of use that did not consider mobility related application. The described transition from the signaling to a general purpose transport protocol illustrates the dynamics of the development of this relatively recent proposal, and explains why sctp is currently one of the most interesting innovative transport protocols. the core of this dissertation outlines major mobility-related considerations in the context of future heterogeneous wireless networks, identifying all important handover scenarios, and specifying the most representative one to conduct the proposed analysis. Several transport-layer handover schemes based on sctp are analyzed in the selected scenario. First of the discussed schemes, provided also as a reference model for evaluations presented in the following sections of this work, reuses the standard sctp failover, a mechanism originally devised to increase protocol robustness. next, the details of transport-layer loadsharing are explained, to facilitate the introduction of the msctp-cmt-pf handover scheme, an essential improvement for transport layer mobility suggested by this work. The devised proposal incorporates one of the most popular loadsharing schemes provided for sctp, the concurrent multipath transfer (cmt), that originally does not target wireless networks. Evaluation exposes the main challenges of such a design, pointing out the most important constraints limiting its scope of application. finally, a quantitative comparison of all identified msctp-based handover schemes and two of the most representative network-layer solutions is given in a series of analysis that involves mobility models of different grade of complexity. apart from the analysis of the mobility management aspects, this dissertation reports also on the state-of-the-art in sctp modeling, very important in the context of further protocol development.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Stream control transmission protocol (sctp), a proposal for seamless handover management at the transport layer in heterogeneous wireless networks«

  • Título de la tesis:  Stream control transmission protocol (sctp), a proposal for seamless handover management at the transport layer in heterogeneous wireless networks
  • Autor:  Lukasz Budzisz
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  10/07/2009


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Fernando Jose Casadevall Palacios
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: ramon Agusti comes
    • Antonio Valdovinos bardaji (vocal)
    • johan Garcia (vocal)
    • joan Vinyes i sanz (vocal)


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