Decentralised water management: household use of rainwater and greywater in spain and nepal

Tesis doctoral de Laia Domenech Pretus

Since the second half of the 19th century, centralised water and sanitation systems have been expanding all over the world. However, the limitations of this model are becoming increasingly obvious and, in recent times, a renewed interest for decentralised approaches is emerging owing to the capacity of decentralised systems to enhance water security and minimise environmental degradation. Two decentralised alternatives are explored in this thesis: the use of rainwater harvesting and greywater reuse at the household level. Two contrasted study areas -spain and nepal- were selected in order to analyse the main potentialities and the main challenges to be addressed to achieve a successful transition to decentralised water management. In the first chapter of the thesis the discourses and demands of two social movements that oppose an inter-basin water transfer that would divert water from an already deprived rural area to the thirsty kathmandu valley in nepal are analysed through the lens of political ecology. In the second chapter, we review the experience of ten rural communities that use rainwater to meet their basic water needs, including drinking and cooking purposes. Drawing on the perception of 120 rainwater harvesters, this second chapter focuses on the analysis of the benefits and risks that rainwater harvesting provides to its users. Another case study dealing also with the use of rainwater harvesting but in a very different context is presented in the third chapter. This third case study is conducted in the town of sant cugat del vallés, in the metropolitan area of barcelona, where rainwater harvesting has been promoted by the municipality since the year 2002. This chapter attempts to analyse the main distinctive features of the use of rainwater harvesting in single and multi-family buildings by comparing drinking water savings, the perceived and real costs of rainwater harvesting and the social issues that need to be considered during the implementation process. The fourth chapter is based on a household survey conducted among 120 greywater users of sant cugat del vallés and aims to explore the acceptance of the public towards greywater reuse. In the fifth chapter a social multi-criteria analysis of a series of centralised and decentralised non-conventional water alternatives being promoted in the metropolitan area of barcelona is performed from a degrowth perspective. The level of support towards each alternative by the main social actors of the water sector is also assessed. The results of this thesis reveal that the predicted impediments to implement decentralised water systems are less disruptive than expected. Citizens are willing to accept new forms of water management, although a social learning process which should be facilitated by the competent institutions is also critical to achieve a successful adoption of decentralised water management.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Decentralised water management: household use of rainwater and greywater in spain and nepal«

  • Título de la tesis:  Decentralised water management: household use of rainwater and greywater in spain and nepal
  • Autor:  Laia Domenech Pretus
  • Universidad:  Autónoma de barcelona
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  25/02/2011


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • David Saurí Pujol
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: José esteban Castro
    • paul Jeffrey (vocal)
    • (vocal)
    • (vocal)


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