Contribucion a la evaluacion de riesgos sobre la salud por factores ambientales, analisis metodologico

Tesis doctoral de Miguel ángel López Flores

The evaluations of risks for the health by environmental factors, initiate their application in the years, 80, standing out the evaluations of risks to the health in contaminated sites, originally developed by the agency for the toxic substances and the registry of diseases in the ee.Uu. (Atsdr). In the present report, we make an analysis of the existing methodologies in this field, and also set a methodological proposal up for the evaluation of risks for the health by environmental factors, which will allow to carry out fast evaluations for its characterization and valuation to reduce to the resources and times of application of the same one, considering aspects of each one of the existing methodologies, to know the possible adverse effects of chemical agents in the atmosphere and the human health. in the same time, software has been developed to value the risks, and decrease the necessary times for calculations. in the case of latin america, methodologies have been implemented, with the initial focus approach to the contaminated sites. This proposal could be used in places where it is presumed that a possibility of risk exists, adapting its application to the national realities in individual, to be able to provide the magnitude and intensity of the risks to the health by environmental factors that affect a certain population. key words: environmental evaluation of risks, factors, toxic substances.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Contribucion a la evaluacion de riesgos sobre la salud por factores ambientales, analisis metodologico«

  • Título de la tesis:  Contribucion a la evaluacion de riesgos sobre la salud por factores ambientales, analisis metodologico
  • Autor:  Miguel ángel López Flores
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  18/02/2009


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Lázaro Vicente Cremades Oliver
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: doménech Cucurull descí rrega
    • rubén Rebollar rubio (vocal)
    • Javier García gómez (vocal)
    • águeda García carrillo (vocal)


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