Tesis doctoral de Miquel Muñoz Cabré
The two main contributions of this dissertation are: 1. A comparison between two types of policy instruments for the promotion of renewable electricity, namely quotas and feed-in laws; and 2. A proposal for harmonization of feed-in laws in the european union. this dissertation is structured in five parts. part i explains the deregulated electricity sector and the existing renewable electricity technologies. Among these technologies, the ones with the highest growth rates in the last decade are solar photovoltaic and wind power. Part i also explains the main attributes and impacts of renewable electricity technologies. part ii describes the existing support schemes, policies, measures and financing strategies for the promotion of renewable electricity. The two most important policy instruments are quotas and feed-in laws. Under a quota system, a target (the quota) is mandated for renewable electricity, and a market for renewable electricity certificates is created, to achieve the established target in a cost-efficient way. Under a feed-in law scheme, renewable electricity generators are guaranteed that all their renewable electricity will be bought at a minimum price. besides quotas and feed-in laws, other schemes and policies are described, such as tendering systems, voluntary markets, tax credits, clean energy funds, net metering, subsidies, and public research and development. Part ii also addresses aspects such as grid access, definitions and standards, administrative issues, target setting, awareness and education, financing strategies, and risk management. part iii describes country case studies. Because this dissertation does not pretend to be a compendium of data or existing policies in all countries, a few countries in the european union have been selected. The selection of countries was broadly made for the following reasons: germany and spain because they illustrate successful feed-in systems; denmark because it is also one of the pioneers of win
Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Renewable electricity policies:an analysis of quotas, feed-in laws and a proposal for eu harmonization of feed-in laws.«
- Título de la tesis: Renewable electricity policies:an analysis of quotas, feed-in laws and a proposal for eu harmonization of feed-in laws.
- Autor: Miquel Muñoz Cabré
- Universidad: Autónoma de barcelona
- Fecha de lectura de la tesis: 24/07/2007
Dirección y tribunal
- Director de la tesis
- Llebot Rabagliati Josep Enric
- Tribunal
- Presidente del tribunal: emilio Padilla
- pablo Del río (vocal)
- marcel Coderch (vocal)
- Jesús Ramos (vocal)