Candidate gene for litter size and its components: progesterone receptor gene.

Tesis doctoral de Peiró Barber Rosa María

The general objective of this thesis is to study the effect of the rabbit progesterone receptor (pgr) gene on litter size and its components using a f2 population from a cross between two divergent lines selected for uterine capacity (uc) during 10 generations differing mainly in embryo survival. in order to achieve better information to identify a physiological candidate gene, it was useful to determine the time of gestation in which differences in early embryo survival and development appeared. A total of 162 females from the high line, selected to increase uc, and 133 females from the low line, selected to decrease uc, were slaughtered at 25, 48 and 62 h of gestation. Both lines had similar ovulation rate and fertilization rate at the early stages of gestation. The high line had a higher embryo survival than the low line at 62 h of gestation (0.57 embryos), and also more embryonic stage of development at 48 and 62 h of gestation, showing a higher percentage of early morulae (10%) and higher percentage of compacted morulae (16%), respectively. a total of 598 intact f2 females were obtained crossing 3 bucks of the high line with 13 unilaterally ovariectomized (ulo) does of the low line and crossing 3 bucks of the low line with 5 ulo does of the high line. The rabbit pgr gene was selected as candidate gene because progesterone is related to reproductive traits and also because knockout mice showed reproductive abnormalities. A 3702 bp sequence of the rabbit pgr gene was obtained from parental animals and five single nucleotide polymorphism (snp) were found; a snp was found in the promoter region, 2464g>a, three snps in the 5¿utr exon 1 and a silence snp in the exon 7. The snps found in the promoter region and in the 5¿utr were cosegregating in two haplotypes. A pcr-rflp method was developed for genotyping the 2464g>a snp in the promoter region.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Candidate gene for litter size and its components: progesterone receptor gene.«

  • Título de la tesis:  Candidate gene for litter size and its components: progesterone receptor gene.
  • Autor:  Peiró Barber Rosa María
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de Valencia
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  13/11/2007


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Agustín Blasco Mateu
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: manuel Baselga izquierdo
    • pierre Bidanel jean (vocal)
    • chris Haley (vocal)
    • Miguel angel Toro ibañez (vocal)


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