Organizational regulations of transmission. a study of adult secondary education institutions in buenos aires

Tesis doctoral de Oscar Luis Graizer

At the most general level the study focuses on the relations between transmission, external and internal regulations, pedagogic identities (futures) and the possibilities of change in the sampled schools. The empirical study was done in seven adult secondary educational institutions in the city of buenos aires. This work allowed, through a specific methodological design, the production of a conceptualization over the object of study as well as over the process of construction of the description. The final outcomes of the thesis are: a theoretical elaboration and a methodological elaboration for the study of educational organizations. the research seeks to describe the regulations on the pedagogic code realizations, particularly in relation with the sources, principles and enactments. The study is an attempt to address the problem of how the realizations of a given pedagogic code are regulated at the school level, understood as an organization. It is in this direction that the research looks for external and internal regulations of the code modality. A specific area of the research, that should be highlighted, is the relation between the realization of the code modalities and the regulations of the official and organizational pedagogic discourses. In doing this the form that the pedagogic discourse takes at the organizational level is studied in function of the social order regulated by the tension with the specific regulative discourse of the organization, as context of reproduction.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Organizational regulations of transmission. a study of adult secondary education institutions in buenos aires«

  • Título de la tesis:  Organizational regulations of transmission. a study of adult secondary education institutions in buenos aires
  • Autor:  Oscar Luis Graizer
  • Universidad:  Universitat de valéncia (estudi general)
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  24/10/2008


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Fernando Marhuenda Fluixa
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: jose Gimeno sacristan
    • harry Daniels (vocal)
    • José Beltrán (vocal)
    • (vocal)


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