A methodological approach to policy refinement in policy-based management systems

Tesis doctoral de Javier Rubio Loyola

Current research efforts are being directed to commit with the long-term view of self-management properties for telecommunications networks. One of the key approaches that have been recognised as an enabler of such a view is policy-based management. Policy-based management has been mostly acknowledged as a methodology that provides flexibility, adaptability and support to automatically assign network resources, control quality of service and security, by considering administratively specified rules. The hype of policy-based management was to commit with these features in run-time as a result of changeable network conditions resulting from the interactions of users, applications and existing resources. Despite enormous efforts with policy languages, management architectures using policy in different application domains, standardisation and industrial efforts, policy-based management is still not a reality. One reason behind the reticence for its use is the difficulty to analyse policies that guarantee configuration stability. In addition to policy conflict analysis, a key issue for this reticence is the need to derive enforceable policies from high-level administrative goals or from higher level policies, namely the policy refinement process. this thesis deals with the critical nature of addressing the policy refinement problem. We provide a holistic view of this process, from formal analysis to its practical realisation, identifying the key elements involved in each step of such critical process. we initially propose a policy refinement framework relying on linear temporal logic (ltl), a standard logic that allows analysis of reactive systems. Based on the former logic, we lay down the process of representing policies at different levels of abstraction. Following on with this, we develop the mechanisms that enable the abstraction of enforceable policies from hierarchical requirements in a fully automatic manner, making use of linear temporal logic-based state expl


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «A methodological approach to policy refinement in policy-based management systems«

  • Título de la tesis:  A methodological approach to policy refinement in policy-based management systems
  • Autor:  Javier Rubio Loyola
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  29/06/2007


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Juan Serrat Fernández
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: José Luis Melús moreno
    • johan Zuidweg (vocal)
    • rolf Stadler (vocal)
    • Juan Luis Gorricho moreno (vocal)


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